fAlLiNG INtO inFINIty!

Adsorb If nOT absorb what opinions i HAVE to offer.:P

The Apocalypse within

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There is the perpetual conflict with the intellect.We are always curious about what we don't know,however mindless  and irrelevant that might be.Why is that?When something just ends abruptly ,we try to figure why?,maybe its best that we stay in the dark,but well it bothers me,distracts me even.We cannot stop judging people,what can we do,it is indeed inborn.We are bound by something that makes us and breaks us,defines us ,disciplines us,helps us discriminate the right from wrong?!..the society

And yet we find ourselves broken,greedy,envious,twisted,complicated,and well..curious about things which could possibly be beyond us.There is no stand i take,but it is just the perplexities that i will never be able to decipher .Does that annoy me?very much so.Because i fear one day i might lose myself in this labyrinth while on my mission to quench my thirst for answers.As  we lay in this perpetual state of being mystified,we peek  through a window,from the outside rather than the other way round which ironically we call ‘observation’ rather than fulfilling our constant need to satisfy our curious selves-a euphemism for being judgmental and intrusive..

Those lucid moments ..
that create moments of stillness that we want to hold onto
and all we are left with at the end ..
are specks of dust and echoes
 echoes that reverberate in the empty skies in which we try to find meaning
and warmth
and finally ascend to a realm of oblivion..