fAlLiNG INtO inFINIty!

Adsorb If nOT absorb what opinions i HAVE to offer.:P

superfluously superficial?

fake,superficiality,wannabe(?),pretentiousness are all so synonymous.Here i sit down and wonder what constitutes the 'traits' or let's say signs that bring out the idea of one being' fake'.well i concluded that there might be no conclusion to it..no particular thing that defines the idea of superficiality,what i see to be fake may not appear superficial to you.The context differs with each person.'oh look at her t-shirt,she's such a wannabe'(wow,T's do really define a person strongly:p)(???)
i can say people have different ways of expressing what they feel,they probably need an identity to express their own!Just maybe the person is very passionate about a certain thing and wants to express it in the way he/she is loud and clear.Thats probably why i adore artists(any form of).They can express themselves in SO many ways and even when their work is questioned,they are able to just be themselves.

So again,what is fake?

probably a few years back i used to loosely term some people as 'wannabe's..now i laugh at the very thought.Firstly,its not even a word..considering it to be one..what is wrong in aspiring to be something..maybe some people go out of the way to BE something but they yet can't be typecasted as that!because as cliched as this may sound,unless you aspire to be,how can you KNOW for sure what you believe in?!
how can you believe in something,
believe in it much to love it,to understand it.
So just one thing i'd like to end this post with is that i do agree that people put a mask either to hide their identity,out of fear,or like i mentioned to be expressive or just to appear to be plain nice(may or may not be genuine),but everyone in this world pretends,(as cynical as it may sound) but its true..even the person who identifies her friend to be 'fake' n still nice to her is equally or more superficial than her.


It's such a feeling that eats you up.
It stops you from thinking reasonably or in some cases taking risks!
i fear a lot of things.
But off recent there has been a kind of fear that i have learnt to embrace..I'm trying to bring down the wall!
Habit..addiction, whatever you might want to call it, can also be a root cause of fear.
and soI'm afraid of being habitual to it,is that weird?
I don't know but the fear is engulfing me and sO i have decided to BREAk this habit soon however difficult it might be to adjust again....