fAlLiNG INtO inFINIty!

Adsorb If nOT absorb what opinions i HAVE to offer.:P

Killing in the name OF?

I’m probably the last person to be interested in politics,our government and everything related to it ,that is not denying the fact that what happens around us repeatedly,over and over again,affects me..So much so that i am provoked to write about it!

Today,13th July,2011 there was a series of 3 bomb blasts in the city.And THIS is NOT the first time….Something like a Lok pal bill which this country really badly needs to have in place ,simply cannot be passed!Is our country supposedly secular,sovereign blah blah one slipping away?Zaveri bazaar which is one of the major landmarks of the city has been targeted around three times already?..And THAT doesn’t give any clue to the cops?!It’s very frustrating when we just let people come and tear the city apart!Even when we say we must fight against terrorism,where do we start?Shouldn’t we pin point the corrupt politician and overthrow them first!It’s their sense of generousity that has sheltered and protected the ones who have disrupted the peace of this very city.They are supposedly the voice of the people,so where does this voice dissapear?!

Scared we are but not paranoid enough to see changes,changes that would stop such instances!We are always ready to merge religion with politics,it’s laughable since ultimately it’s got nothing to do with religion but how it’s a trump card often played to create diversions!

“I can’t see tomorrow

for today was disrupted by darkness

I strived to find my way through it

but my own kind pulled me down.

If only i could see tomorrow

If only the blurr was gone..

‘oh,why do you pull me down?

I am Not the enemy’

A blank stare is all he could give

for he had no answers and he shall never have

guilt will take over him one day

certainly,one day.”
