fAlLiNG INtO inFINIty!

Adsorb If nOT absorb what opinions i HAVE to offer.:P


My new FOund Joy!:))

Okay,so our a.d site visit(the project that is still going on!)was at shirazi mosque at mohammad ali rd.Thanks to most of the projects given by college,we visit interiors of the city we've Never set forth before!but i am glad..coz the beauty of the city actually lies in these narrow gallis,hawkers,goats let loose on the roads,antique (g+2)buildings,the general commotion on the streets et al.So here i landed up at mohammad ali road to look for a blue mosque......well let the pix speak for themselves:)
p.s:the day i went to click some pictures,it rained heavily so well i tried my best to get nice snaps


Above:Someone's watching over u....

<:misty shades of the twisted tree...

Eternal Sunshine of a sPOtless mINd~

BElow:stagnant clouds~in blue and sepia


transcendinG hOrizons

Sometimes we just forget that the blend of basic elements like light and water could be as beautiful as Europe's architectural beauty.Here are some of the many snaps that i took at switzerland and frankfurt with a little bit of experimentation:)

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I finally watched Raavan this Sunday.I wondered why people hated it so much!It was an extremely thought provoking movie according to me.Truly one unconventional hindi film and a brilliant adaptation of the book.If we overlook the song-dance sequences,one would understand that the film was filled with allegories and symbolism.I would'nt say that there was a protagonist in the movie but yes a lot of antiheroism portrayed.None of the characters were either black r white..all of them including ragini(sita's adaptation) showed shades of gray.Infact one would percieve the movie in such a way that they would have mercy on Beera(raavan).Even the unspoken relationship of Beera and Ragini has been shown beautifully.Even the fact that Raavan has 10heads is so symbolic..Raavan has 10faces..not all of them are evil,some of them even posses feelings.Even the fact that Sita does put on a bravefront but internally she is terrified and lost were traits that were human and thankfully shown well in the movie...
Every little thing starting from the fact that for Ram,killing Raavan was more significant than getting Sita back to the fact that he uses Sita to get to Raavan and in the process killing Sita's blind belief in him and losing respect for him is portrayed well in the movie.Raavan's thoughts that were spoken out loud were often mistaken to be a murmur by the audeience(!).Ram was righteous but not idealistic,Raavan was vengeful but innocent..depends on how u percieve it!

I loved this dialogue from the movie where Beera asks Ragini about how great is her Dev(Ram).She replies He is God to me..to which Beera replies- he must be the GREATest then...but then howcome I feel so great..full of jealousy?!":)

Someone rightly said a war only happens when the two parties involved think that they are right and believe in their respective causes!....

So here's my question..do we all have ten faces?Each one different from the other.We all have an insecure,fearful side to us,we all doubt what we do at some point..at the same time we fight..we fight with the black clouds in our heads..we want them to drift away.So is my reflection me..or my alter ego(s)??

'Du haSt mich?!'



Incredulously the laced fingers loosen,

Slowly sensation by sensation, from their warm interchange,

And stiffen like frosted flowers in the November garden.

Already division piles emphasis like bullets;

Already the one dark air is separate and strange.


There is no touch now.

The wave has broken

That for a moment charged the desolate sea.

There is a word or two left to be spoken--yet who would hear it?

When so swiftly distance

Out measures time, engulfs identity?

Already like the dreamer startled from sleep

And the vivid image lost even in the waking,

There is no taste now for the shrunken sense to keep,

And these, the dreamer’s eyes, are not alive to weep,

And this, the clinic heart, the dreamer’s is not breaking.

Is it so easy then? Goodbye no more then this

Quiet disaster? And is there a cause for sorrow

That in this small white murder of one kiss

Are born two ghosts, two Hamlets, two soliloquies

Two worlds apart, tomorrow?

---helen spalding

As much as I detested the 12th grade cbse syllabus for english (after icse!:P),this was one poem which i really liked.The time this poem was written,the place..everything was so apt.even when it talks about seperation..of two souls..it does not necessarily mean between two lovers..the idea of seperation could be between a father and daughter,two siblings...

My favourite part of the poem are the last two verses,since it reveals so much about how two people can be individuals and yet be dependent on each other...It talks about the uncertainty..incase of hamlet"to be or not to be",a famous quote.